Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ron Paul, Author Of
‘End The Fed,’ To
Lead Fed Panel

by Phil Mattingly - December 9th, 2010 - Bloomberg News

Representative Ron Paul, Texas Republican and author of “End the Fed,” will take control of the House subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve.

House Financial Services chairman-elect Spencer Bachus, an Alabama Republican, selected Paul, 75, to lead the panel’s domestic monetary policy subcommittee when their party takes the House majority next month, the committee chairman said today.

“This is the leadership team that crafted the first comprehensive financial reform bill to put an end to the bailouts, wind down the taxpayer funding of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and enforce a strong audit of the Federal Reserve,” Bachus said in a statement.

Left wing economists are in a rage about the very idea of taking away their monetary manipulation. Wall Street has extended its control over our government infrastructure by controlling this radical group of banking tyrants. Though there is some value to the acts they take in furtherence of currency stability, the extortion and profit abuses have long since overwhelmed the value to our currency.

To those who profit from this control over our lives the idea of losing the control is intolerable. Ron Paul has studied the abuses for years and is as well versed in how this abusive system works as those who depend upon it for their wealth. Any control by the voters over the Fed invokes panic from the Wall Street manipulators. They have smeared Paul for years with the most grotesque mischaracterizations and insults. Can you imagine what they will do now? It is going to get really ugly.


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