Thursday, August 06, 2009

Obama's Dissident Database
Could Be Secret
-- And Permanent

by Byron York - August 6th, 2009 - Washington Examiner

The White House request that members of the public report anyone who is spreading "disinformation" about the proposed national health care makeover could lead to a White House database of political opponents that will be both secret and permanent, according to Republican lawyers on the Senate Judiciary Committee who are examining the plan's possible implementation.

How does that make you feel? Obama has now created a "dissidents database" that is exempt from the law banning databases of political activities and is legally required to maintain it permanently. Anyone bet he is sorry that he gets to keep his list of enemies?

The only thing that will end this outrageous and un-American activity is if people get angry. I guarantee that the liberals on the left will not be angry that they get to create a database of political opponents, what they call "dissidents". If you are moderate or libertarian or conservative, you may have more qualms about the most socialist and power hungry politician in our history being able to collect information about your concerns and keep it forever.

The Obama regime has already been condemned by some Democrats for their propensity to try and crush anyone who disagrees with them. If some Democrats are concerned about Obama tactics, who has any doubt that those outside Obama's party will not be targets of intimidation at a more egregious level?


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