Thursday, November 13, 2008

Confessions Of A McCain Voter

by Cinnamon Stillwell - November 13th, 2008 - San Francisco Chronicle

I have a confession to make. I voted for John McCain, and yet I'm incredibly relieved that Barack Obama won the presidential election.

Let me explain.

The past eight years have been defined largely by Democratic and leftist opposition to George W. Bush and to all things deemed Republican. As someone who rallied to Bush's side after 9/11 and supported him in the 2004 election, only to find myself deeply disappointed both in his second term and in the arrogance and complacency of the GOP, I've grown quite weary of the partisan culture wars.

Oh Yeah. It was always the right wing that waged a partisan culture war to make their children attend schools which ridiculed their family morals and taught their children that America was a racist and evil nation. Now that the party which supports the liberal culture war and its left wing teachers is in power, they will mellow out and teach our children the morality that made our country great, ending the culture war. If you believe that, you are an idiot. The partisan culture wars are about to get worse.

In fact, if you believe this left wing San Francisco writer voted for George W. Bush, you are an idiot too.

The idea that the liberal anti-war pacifists will suddenly be fair with their treatment of our military now that Barack Obama is Commander in Chief, as this writer claims she believes, can be disproven by the way they treated the military under Clinton. They called them evil and baby killers during that 8 years too. I am just sure that on this issue Ms. Stillwell is ... WRONG.

This article's introduction proclaiming her support for John McCain was really all just a set up so that you would not puke when she talked about how glowingly everyone feels now that the Magic Marxist Messiah is in power ... how hopeful they are, how they are just ready to reach out and unite with all the Republicans in bipartisan humility, just the second Republiicans become socialist loving anti-American hate mongers like the left. That does not mean for a single solitary second that they have any intention of despising America less, hating free enterprise less, or ending the determination that our churches are to be closed by a secular federal government. Uniting is about conservatives abandoning their principals and uniting with the left in agreement that everything we have ever stood for is evil. That is the unity the Magic Marxists Messiah and his manic minions dream about.

And that includes the deluded liar who wrote this bilge.


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