Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Repugnance Of Socialism

by Kyle-Anne Shiver - October 30th, 2008 - American Thinker

A great many Americans -- perhaps even a majority -- seem poised to hand over vast amounts of their hard-earned money and their hard-won liberties to the promised "collective redemption" being offered by Barack Obama and his socialist band of "progressives" in Congress. With the votes of nanny-state supporters from all classes among us, their utopian dreams will be put to the test on our own ground and the reach of our federal government will be expanded drastically according to their plans.

Utopia. The dream that is being forecast by Barack Obama. Slavery. The reality of socialism wherever it has been tried. The conflict between these two dreams is now becoming a nightmare for those who still prefer working for their own freedom and success.

The fear I have is simple. Even if we defeat Obama this time, he is a perfect example of the trend towards more and more big government control of our lives. What is the chance that McCain, co-author of McCain-Feingold, will actually change the long term direction of our nation?


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