Sunday, March 02, 2008

'It’s the Epigoni, Stupid’

by Mark Steyn - March 1st, 2008 - National Review Online

I’m sure even now some New York Times type is tutting that Buckley’s movement has fallen into the hands of vulgar bullies like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter who lack his dash and élan. As it happens, back in 2000 some fellow in the San Francisco Chronicle made exactly that point about a lout called Steyn disfiguring Buckley’s National Review. But, in reality, Bill was, as he would say, the fons et origo of a conservatism that came out swinging — sometimes literally, as in a famous TV encounter of 1968.

“As far as I am concerned,” drawled Gore Vidal, “the only crypto-Nazi I can think of is yourself.” “Now listen, you queer,” replied Buckley. “Stop calling me a crypto-Nazi, or I’ll sock you in your goddamn face and you’ll stay plastered.” Indeed. And, if “You Nazi!”/”You queer!” isn’t exactly up there with Oscar Wilde and Noel Coward in the devastating repartee rankings, well, Vidal started it, and Bill’s epithet, unlike Gore’s, at least has the merit of being true.

Leave it to Mark Steyn to write the best article yet on William Buckely, Jr.

It is ironic that the liberals are so determined to make sure conservatives are civilized when liberals are so hostile and vicious in their criticisms of us. The only really great conservatives are willing to get in the face of their opponents and fight. Buckley taught us that, and it is important at this time when we remember this great man, we remember him as he was . . . William F. Buckely Jr. was a fighter!


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