Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Two States Of Destruction

by Cal Thomas - June 19th, 2007 - Townhall.com

Those still in doubt or denial about what Israel's (and America's) enemies are planning might benefit from reading Jed Babbin's new book, "In the Words of Our Enemies" (Regnery Publishing). In it, Babbin assembles what the Islamic terrorists, Chinese and North Korean communists and Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez are saying they want to do to us. This quote from the al-Qaida training manual leaves no room for diplomacy: "The confrontation that Islam calls for with these godless and apostate regimes, does not know Socratic debates, Platonic ideals nor Aristotelian diplomacy. But it knows the dialogue of bullets, the ideals of assassination, bombing and destruction, and the diplomacy of the cannon and machine-gun."

Anyone who questions the sincerity of such a statement is a fool. Apparently enough fools remain in leadership in Israel, the United States and Europe to encourage the killers to fight on until victory is attained.

Appeasement has never worked. Democrat friends are found of repeating their new mantra about Iraq, "Who thinks we can win a land war in Asia? Iraq is lost." Harry Reid is one who loves this statement. However in the early days of our nation, we beat back these Islamofascists decisively. Who is not aware of one battle in that multi-generation war, "the shores of Tripoli" line in the Marine Corps Hymn?

Unfortunately the ease and simplicity of the "Halls of Montezuma" battle referred to in the line that precedes it has left our nation with an illusion about the war against Islamofascism of that time, as if it was an easy single battle. The slavery practiced by the Islamofascists of that time was far from our nation and yet it enslaved hundreds of thousands over generations. The real history of that evil has been forgotten in the clouds of time.

It was not easy to win 200 years ago and it will not be easy to win today. However we can win this war against Islamofascists just as we won 200 years ago if the people who wanted to pay tribute then are not the people we listen to today. Like then it will take generations and will be dependent on our culture maintianing a will to win.

There are two types of people in every generation. Freedom Warriors and Tribute Slaves. Each generation has the choice of which it will listen to. Who are we going to listen to?


At 6:44 AM, Blogger blahblahblah said...

fine work


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