Saturday, September 23, 2006

ACLU: Conceived In Tyranny

Editorial - September 21st, 2006 - Investor's Business Daily

The Enemy Within: From the beginning, the American Civil Liberties Union has aligned itself with America's adversaries. Its unrelenting strategy has been to twist our Constitution into a weapon against American values and security.

ACLU founder and longtime executive director Roger Baldwin's infamous quote still haunts his organization today, a quarter-century after the radical activist's death:

"I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."

What is sad is that the VAST majority of members of the democratic party support the ACLU and consider its still open practice of fostering communism (or you can say socialism if you want to pretend it is not the same thing) a good thing.

If you do not believe that the freedom of America is based on the free ability to work as hard as you like, and enjoy the rewards of your work, then it is my contention that you do not know what America is. To argue that you can work to replace free enterprise with socialism and that is not anti-American is not logical. Yet many people believe this is so.

What makes the ACLU so evil is that they claim they are not anti-American. However the ACLU stands for socialism, socialism is tyranny and America does not stand for tyranny. If you are uncertain about this truism, go back and read Frederick Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom". If you haven't read it, go to the library today and read it. Unless you understand how evil socialism is, organizations like the ACLU may be able to presuade you that they are not anti-American.

But they are.


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