Monday, May 22, 2006

Not Just Immigration: It's Societal Transformation

By Mark Steyn - May 21st, 2006 - Chicago Sun-Times
From the Washington Times: "The Senate voted yesterday to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment."

Well, I think that's the kind of moderate compromise "comprehensive immigration reform" package all Americans can support, don't you?

Some mean-spirited extremist House Republicans had proposed that illegal aliens should only receive 75 percent of the benefits to which they're illegally entitled for having broken the law.

Steyn at his most sarcastic. Probably only funny to those who are already upset with the illegal immigration that is occuring. I recently read an argument that comforms with Steyn's obvious frustration with the whole tone of this disagreement. We are repeatedly told that "we can't deport all 12 million illegal aliens" so we should not try. Well we can't catch all murderers either. Does this mean we should not try to catch them. Let's give them amnesty too.


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